Spring Style Fabrics

The Acorn team have chosen a selection of fabrics that we feel are ideal for the spring season. Hopefully this variety of yellow’s and fresh pastel colours will help to get you out of the winter blues!

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Spring lightweight cotton fabrics carefully selected by Acorn

The Acorn team have chosen a selection of fabrics that we feel are ideal for the spring season. Hopefully this variety of yellow’s and fresh pastel colours will help to get you out of the winter blues! Spring sees a change in climate and the landscape – so why not change your attire too, to reflect this change of season? It’s time to put away your winter wardrobe and start dressing for the warmer temperatures ahead – with shirting that’s perfect for spring! Pale, lighter colours make a welcome return in spring. Your navy and black shirts can be put away in favour of pale pinks, lilacs and light blues. Pale coloured shirts are a great way to add a bit of personality to your look too and offer something a little more exciting than plain white.